Vinculo [ˈbiŋkʊlō] translates to connect or to link.
We connect difference makers with their coffee.
Vinculo is a Memphis, TN based coffee distributor and roaster. Started by Andrew Banker, who has built direct connections throughout the coffee growing world.
Vinculo exists for three reasons:
(1) to directly serve the farmers and distributors within indigenous and hard to reach places - no middle men here, the money is handed directly to the farmers who grow and pick this coffee.
(2) to bring a quality roasting experience through ethical means with every cup - we roast locally in order to check quality. We use all fair trade methods as seen above.
(3) to partner with local ministers, missionaries, community leaders, and church planters to support their work in and with the communities we are buying from. - A portion of all sales goes back to the community leaders to lead in the way they believe is best for their area.
By drinking Vinculo coffee, the customer is directly helping to make communities around the globe stronger. Currently Vinculo Coffee works with farmers in Chiapas Mexico (Vinculo’s signature blend), Zongolica Mexico, Xalapa Mexico and Ethiopia. Peruvian and Nicaraguan beans are to be added within the next few months.
Bags can be purchased in 12oz, 2.5oz and 5lb bags, as well as a “Roasters Choice” monthly subscription service option. Bags can be shipped anywhere in the country.